
Store Details

Store Name

The store is being in used when we initiate conversations with your customers. So please provide with the name you want us to use in the SMS we send out. Here as an example SMS:

Example SMS

Account email

This email is being used to you notification about relevent events.

Customer Support email

If we encounter a customer with a question our team is not able to answer we will reach out to this email to get more feedback from your team.

FAQ Page

If you have an FAQ page for your customer or your customer support team, please share the link with us so our SMS Troopers can answer customer inquiries faster.

Discount Settings

Minimum Cart Value

We want to make sure that we are only recover baskets that are wortk the effort and discount. We will only reach out to customers who abandoned carts bigger than the Minimum Cart Value.

Cart Value Currency

Please choose the currency in which you provided the Minimum Cart Value (for now we only support PHP).

Discount in Percent

Please let us know how much of a discount we can offer your customers to bring them over the finish line. The discount codes are personalized, one-time codes which can only be used on carts which are bigger than the set Minimum Cart Value.

Go Live Settings

To go live you just have to accept the data privacy policy, click activate and save your settings.